Kite Tales

How to Fly Your Little Cloud Kite
Instructions for how to fly a kite include wind awareness, where to fly, parts of the kite, how to assemble your kite, launching, flying and landing your kite and how...
How to Fly Your Little Cloud Kite
Instructions for how to fly a kite include wind awareness, where to fly, parts of the kite, how to assemble your kite, launching, flying and landing your kite and how...
Review: What No one Told You About Flying a Kite
“Go fly a kite” seems like a fairly lighthearted aphorism, but since my first real kite-flying experience last weekend, I couldn’t disagree more with the inference that the act of...
Review: What No one Told You About Flying a Kite
“Go fly a kite” seems like a fairly lighthearted aphorism, but since my first real kite-flying experience last weekend, I couldn’t disagree more with the inference that the act of...

Konmari, Kites, & the Life-Changing Magic of Be...
“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, was published by Marie Kondo, in 2013--but you probably already know that, because it has been a huge hit...
Konmari, Kites, & the Life-Changing Magic of Be...
“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, was published by Marie Kondo, in 2013--but you probably already know that, because it has been a huge hit...

What Are the Clouds Called?
There is enormous clarity, insight and power in the act of naming. You probably know people who seem to wholly inhabit their names—and perhaps others whose possession of a certain...
What Are the Clouds Called?
There is enormous clarity, insight and power in the act of naming. You probably know people who seem to wholly inhabit their names—and perhaps others whose possession of a certain...

How to Beat Cabin-Fever the East Coast Way
Maple season is one of the first welcome harbingers of spring in South Knowlesville, New Brunswick, home of the Little Cloud Kites headquarters...
How to Beat Cabin-Fever the East Coast Way
Maple season is one of the first welcome harbingers of spring in South Knowlesville, New Brunswick, home of the Little Cloud Kites headquarters...

5 Surprising Ways a Kite Can Change Your Life
Go fly a kite. Go on. Get outside. Have you noticed that our culture has developed virtual versions of almost everything…yet virtual kite-flying just doesn’t have the same lure, does...
5 Surprising Ways a Kite Can Change Your Life
Go fly a kite. Go on. Get outside. Have you noticed that our culture has developed virtual versions of almost everything…yet virtual kite-flying just doesn’t have the same lure, does...